Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Oracle JET Model ID Attribute

When building Oracle JET Model/Collection structure to render table, you should be careful defining ID attribute. This attribute must have unique values only, if there will be duplicates in ID, then table rows will be rendered incorrectly.

Take as example below structure for Employees REST endpoint. EmployeId attribute provides unique values and it should be defined as ID for JET model:

Let's try and see what happens when non-unique DepartmentId attribute is set for a key in JET model:

In this case, during data fetch and UI table rendering (specifically when navigating to the next page of the table) - JET runtime for the table will get confused and will fetch all of the records from the backend (definitely, not what we want):

Ok, change it to the proper one - use EmployeeId for the ID in JET model:

The table works as expected:

Lesson learned - make sure to use an attribute with unique values for JET model ID. If there is no single attribute with unique values, the concatenate multiple attributes on the backend to construct a single attribute with unique value.

Source code is available from my GitHub repo.

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