Sip of Java

Sip of Java helps developers kick off their week by providing a quick shot of information on new features, interesting trends, and hidden gems within the JDK.
95. JDK 22 Release!
94. Managing Throughput with Virtual Threads
93. Deprecated Features in Java 18 thru 21
92. AutoCloseable HttpClient
91. Locale Updates in Java 21
90. Finding CPU Load with JFR
89. Improved Emoji Support in Java 21
88. Pattern Matching for switch
87. Record Patterns in Java 21
86. Virtual Threads Explained
85. JDK Tool Access from JShell
84. Generational ZGC
83. Sequenced Collections API
82. JFR View Command
81. JDK 21 Release
80. Collections Utility Class
79. JDK Mission Control 8.3
78. Objects Utility Class
77. Javadoc JDK 20 Updates
76. Arrays Utility Class
75. JFR Event Stream Stop
74. JDK 20 Release
73. Running and Building Gradle with Different JDKs
72. Script Friendly JDK Download URLs
71. JVM Logging
70. Using the JFR Event Streaming API in Automated Tests
69. Pre-Allocated Factory Methods for Map and Set
68. JFR scrub Utility
67. AppCDS Autogenerate
66. JDK 19 Release
65. Local Class Improvements
64. Internationalization in Java
63. The Serial Garbage Collector
62. The Parallel Garbage Collector
58. JShell
57. The HTTP Client
56. The G1 Garbage Collector
55. JFR Configuration Improvements
54. JDK GCs Comparison
53. The Z Garbage Collector
52. Scripting with Java
51. Runtime Updates
49. JFR Event Streaming
48. Custom JFR Events
47. JavaDoc Updates
46. JavaDoc Code Snippet API
24. Record Serialization
23. Serialization Filters
17. Streams Post Java 8 Updates
16. Scanner Tokenize
15. Using Records as Projections in JPA
14. Scanner API - Searching Input
13. JavaDoc Updates and Improvements
12. Streams and File Reading Improvements
11. JDK Flight Recorder
10. Unix-Domain Socket Channels
9. Join APIs for String
8. Upgrading Java Runtime
7. New Convenience Methods for String
6. Convenience Factory Methods for Collections
5. Local Records
4. Text Block
3. Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs
2. Pattern Matching for instanceof
1. Switch Expressions