TechXchange: Level UP to Enterprise Level Security with MySQL 
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TechXchange: Level UP to Enterprise Level Security with MySQL 

In the era of data breaches, security issues can bring lots of headaches to any organization. Besides fines from authorities, bad reputation can put many customers away. Being able to protect important data from external threats, as well as control the increasing number of people who have internal access to the database systems means minimizing risks and ensuring that monitoring and prevention is in place.

Furthermore, to protect sensitive data and privacy of personal information, governments and industry organizations have developed multiple privacy regulations and data protection laws (GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA).

Discover how the latest MySQL Enterprise Edition includes the most comprehensive set of advanced features, management tools, and technical support to achieve the highest levels of MySQL security.

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David Fu

Principal Solution Engineer, MySQL
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Andre Lim

Regional Sales Director, Software Sales, ASEAN & South Korea, MySQL
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