Webinar: Introducing MySQL HeatWave Lakehouse – processing data in object store with record performance  
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MySQL HeatWave has been enhanced to allow users to process hundreds of terabytes of data in the object store in a variety of file formats like CSV, Parquet, export files from other databases like Aurora and Redshift. Customers can query data in the object store and combine it with data in the database in a single query using standard MySQL syntax. 

HeatWave Lakehouse offers the best performance and price performance in the industry compared to Snowflake, Databricks, Redshift and Google Big Query both for loading data and running queries on several hundred terabytes of data.  

MySQL Autopilot has been enhanced to provide differentiated capabilities for files in object store including automatic schema mapping, predicting the time to load data, adaptive data flow and automatic query plan improvement. The data in the object store remains in the object store, yet the performance of querying data in object store is identical to querying data in the database. 

Join this webinar to gain first-hand insights and discover the latest advancements of MySQL HeatWave Lakehouse.

Featured speaker
Nipun Agarwal

Senior Vice President, MySQL HeatWave Development, Oracle
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